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Buying property in Costa Rica? Learn About the Key Documents You Need to Know Before Investing

At Grupo ConstruArte, we understand that buying property is one of the most important decisions you can make, whether it's as an investment or as the place where a new chapter begins.

However, before getting too excited about a tempting offer or a "once-in-a-lifetime price" on that dream plot of land, there's a list of key documents you should request from the seller before entering any purchase negotiations to ensure everything is in order.

This guide will help you navigate the process with confidence and peace of mind:

1. Property Cadaster Plan

This is one of the most basic yet essential documents. The cadastral plan is a technical drawing that describes the location and boundaries of the property in question. This document provides a clear picture of what is being acquired.

The plan must be duly registered with the National Registry and has a unique number similar to this one [SJ-000000-000]. The "SJ" can be replaced by the code for the province where the property is located, for example, "P" for Puntarenas.

2. Property Registry Study

This step is absolutely crucial and cannot be ignored. A property registry study allows you to verify that the registered owners in the Registro Nacional match the seller's information, ensuring that the person selling the property is the legitimate owner. Additionally, the registry study confirms that the property and plot numbers match the provided documents, eliminating any uncertainty about the authenticity of the data.

3. Boundary Verification Document

This is a vital document to ensure that the land does not overlap with neighboring properties and to confirm the boundary points on-site. It must be completed and sealed by a licensed surveyor. An error in the boundaries can lead to significant legal issues in the future, potentially affecting both your investment and construction plans.

Buying property in Costa Rica

4. Valid Water Availability Document

Typically issued by the AyA (Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers) or the local ASADA (Community Water Association) providing service to neighboring properties, this document confirms that the property can receive water service. It is not enough to assume that water is available; an official confirmation is crucial. This is especially important in rural areas or new developments where access to potable water may not be guaranteed. Additionally, this document is necessary for any future construction procedures.

5. Valid Electrical Availability Document

Just as important as water access, it is necessary to verify that the property has access to electricity. This document must be issued by the company that provides electrical service in the area. Having this document ensures that the public service company can legally and adequately perform electrical connections.

6. Municipal Tax Certification

Request a certification from the seller that shows both the property and its registered owner are up to date on municipal tax payments. This is an important step to avoid any outstanding tax liabilities at the time of purchase or when dealing with future municipal procedures. Moreover, being up to date on taxes shows that the seller has responsibly maintained the property.

7. Technical Site Visit by Grupo ConstruArte

Once you have gathered the above documents, our recommendation is to schedule a technical visit with our engineering team. This visit will provide you with expert insight into the property's construction possibilities. Our professionals will assess the land conditions and inform you of any necessary work, such as topographical improvements or drainage work. Remember: what may seem perfect at first glance could require considerable effort on a technical level.

Buying property doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. With the right guidance from our expert team and the correct documents in hand, you can make informed decisions that lead to a safe purchase.

Buying property in Costa Rica? At Grupo ConstruArte, we're here to support you every step of the way, from the initial evaluation to executing your dream project. Don’t hesitate to contact us via WhatsApp or by phone at 2771 8778 to schedule a technical visit with our experts.



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